and enjoy an outstanding, free musical education
Could your son or daughter be a chorister?
Choristers come to St Mary's from a wide area and attend many different schools. Children do not need any previous experience, just an interest in singing and music and a clear voice with a good musical ear.
What are the choirs?
The boy and girl choristers are distinct groups with their own musical and social identities. They rehearse and perform separately and occasionally sing together for some of the bigger services and events. Both the boys and the girls regularly sing with the men of the choir, who are experienced musicians who live and work in the surrounding area.
Boys normally join from the age of 7 or above and many go on to sing with the Men's Choir when their voices change.
Girls normally join around the age of 8 or above and continue to sing in the Girls' Choir through school years 12 and 13.
What are the benefits of being a chorister?
What is the regular time commitment?
New girl choristers rehearse after school on Mondays and gradually attend the full schedule below.
Girls rehearse after school on Mondays and sing for a service after school on Wednesdays (girls only).
Girls occasionally sing for morning and evening services on Sundays (with the men).
Outside term time the choirs sing for special services at Christmas and Easter and occasionally tour during the holidays.
Choral scholarships are available to boys attending Warwick Junior and Senior Schools.
The Director of Music is always pleased to meet prospective choristers and their parents informally at any time.
There is currently also a vacancy for a countertenor.
For further information, please contact:
Oliver Hancock, Director of Music
tel: +44 (0)1926 403940
"Christmas is a busy time and I love all the special services and performances, especially Carols at Warwick Castle. We sing on a specially constructed stage to over 2500 people - it makes you feel very excited and proud to be part of the choir." Boy chorister
"Being a part of the choir is all about fun and some of the best friendships you'll ever find. I can honestly say that I loved every minute of it." Former girl chorister
"A huge amount is expected of the boys and girls and there is a vast repertoire to learn and perform. The rewards however are enormous. The choristers often leave a service or concert on a real high. All choristers have a responsibility to themselves, and more importantly to the rest of the choir, to do their best in every performance. It helps to develop a real sense of commitment." Chorister parent